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International Pemphigus Pemphigoid Foundation!

The IPPF, or the International International Pemphigus Pemphigoid Foundation, traces its origins back 30 years ago, to the moment when Janet Segall, grappling with a rare diagnosis, bravely reached out to find solace in solidarity. 

To her astonishment, she discovered a global network of individuals also wrestling with the complexities of Pemphigus & Pemphigoid, a condition so unheard of that many struggled even to pronounce its name. 

In a community starved for information, Janet's quest for connection illuminated the path toward understanding and empowerment for others around the world.

The transformation of this patient from a solitary struggler to a community catalyst mirrors the remarkable evolution of the organization.

With a mandate to unite patients worldwide and grant them access to top-tier experts, IPPF orchestrates conferences, spearheads patient education initiatives, and fosters a profound sense of belonging among those grappling with pemphigus and pemphigoid.

Despite its modest beginnings, IPPF now wields a considerable influence, a testament to the dedication of a small yet committed team of approximately five individuals who helm this expansive, global community.

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